
Thursday 17 April 2014

The Myths about the Influence of Google Ads on Organic Result

Matt Cutts Matt Cutts recently releases a video, in which he is talking about two big SEO myths that confused all people of SEO World.
It is about the Influence of Google Ads on Organic Result
It included two Big misguide myths
  1. Some people discuss in various discussion sites or forums or even their blog that, if you buy ads from Google, your organic rank will be higher than before.
  2. Some other discuss that if you don’t buy ads from Google your organic result will be go higher.
  3. More other discuss that Google sometimes make changes in their organic result, so other people use their ads service.

But this is not true because Google only change their algorithms only to give fresh and quality results to their customers. They only ban those sites that misguide the rules of webmasters.   Here you can look for Matt Cutts Video.


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